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Step 1: Customer can click shop button if you want to start purchase. If you click shop button you will be at our menu. From there you can make a chooses about the flavour that you like it.

Step 2: After you click the menu that you are chooses, you will become at our selection page. At here you need to click quantity button to select how many quantities that you want to purchase.


Step 3: After finished selected the quantity, you need to put all the item into the cart. To put the item there you just need to click add to cart button.

Step 4: To double check all your item, you can click the view cart. At there you also change the quantity if you want to add on just (+) and if you want to cancel just click (-). If you want to cancel all item just touch the screen a few minutes and slide into the left, after that you can see button delete and you can cancel the order.

Step 5: To make any note for remark and make us notice what time that you want to

collect your order or anything else that you want too remarkable, you can click the

add a note button.

Step 6: To make a payment you need to double confirm your purchase at this stage. Customers need to click checkout button to proceed with the payment method.


Step 7: After you go to checkout button you need to click submit, if you want to make online transfer you can share the receipt to the website chat, or you can come to our store and shown the receipt itself. By hand payment are most provided.

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